Main Street is bustling in Downtown Sweet Home! It's late afternoon, and people are out and about!
Rats Miow
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Week 7: My Hometown
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Week 6:Around Campus pt.2(Electric Boogaloo)
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Week 5: Environmental Portrait
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Earth Day at LBCC Campus 2024!
The Green Team is full of fun and interactive members! Here, Liv Gifford and Cait Morgan talk with a student.
Friday, April 19, 2024
Week 3: Understanding Art Class
The 10 a.m. class of Understanding Art students is hard at work on this week's assignment. They were given this class time on Wednesday to work on Creative Project #2 for the term. Creative Project #2 required students to pick an item with personal, political, and/or cultural narrative value. Two students, Allie Benton(front left) and Andrew Olsen(back right), are hard at work completing the second part of the assignment: creating a representation of their object through drawing. Allie is majoring in marketing here at LBCC. Allie collects clown dolls, and her object is the newest doll in her growing collection. The Instructor of Understanding Art, Kelsey Hamilton Davis, participates in the class project alongside her students. The object she uses as an example is a decoy duck, which she collects. This is her first term here at LBCC. The students of this class will submit their finished products for grading by 11:59pm this Sunday.
Friday, April 12, 2024
Week 2; Around Campus
The goal of this week's assignment was to break out of our comfort zone, talk to people, and get their names, as well as an Overall, Medium, and Closeup. I wouldn't say I succeeded in my goal of talking to people, but I am proud of myself because I spoke to one person!
On Wednesday, the 10th of April, I met Cara White, a staff member at LBCC who has worked here for 6 years in the Adult Learning Skills Department. They were exceptionally kind when I spoke with them. They told me a bit about their work and that they also had a hobby in photography, specifically Macro Photography! On Thursday the 11th, I was walking to meet my fiance, Alexander Springer, a computer science major. I know we are supposed to avoid taking pictures of friends and family, but I saw this opportunity to take this picture and had to go for it. I love how the students are framed within the structure of the building.Friday, April 5, 2024
Necessary Introductions
Hello! My name is Peter, and I am a Psychology student at LBCC. One of my courses this term is this Photo Journalism class. I love taking pictures, but my experience is limited to taking pictures on my phone or with my Polaroid camera. Below is one of my favorite pictures.
This is a picture of the Jesuit Church in Mannheim, Germany. Mannheim is where my Oma(German for Grandmother) grew up. I went there in late June 2023. I saw many beautiful places on my trip, but when I think back on it, I always come back to this church the most.I hope to achieve three goals in this Photo Journalism class besides getting a good grade. Goal one is to learn more about taking better pictures with life and substance. Goal number two is to learn how to use the fancy cameras. I am particularly excited about this one because I don't have a fancy camera that is easily accessible in my free time. My last goal is to get out of my comfort zone. Taking photos can put not only a lot of pressure on me to take one that is good, but it can be awkward knowing that people may be watching as I bend over backward, so to speak, to get the right angle.
This week, we were assigned to take photos of people doing interesting things, I unfortunately have been ill all week, so my time on campus was limited. These photos were the ones I managed to get:
I took a picture of our campus courtyard, dead and empty. Most people were in class then, and it was freezing! I lovingly call this photo "Sarah Rose in Action!" At the time, she was helping another student. I saw her move quickly towards the courtyard and captured this picture. I had gotten out my phone to take a picture of the neon open sign. It looked so majestic between the limbs of this tree, and the rain was acting like a film of sorts. I then later noticed I had caught a student wearing a black hoodie by the railing walking somewhere. I love that they are not noticeable at first, but they almost take over the picture when you see them. I wish I knew where they were going, why they needed to grab the rail, and most importantly, their name!This is just a picture of some of the flora we have in the courtyard on campus. After finishing class, I walked out of the building and was exhausted beyond belief. It was a dreary day until I noticed this little pop of color. It made me happy. This picture has nothing to do with the assignment; however, I hope it brings you some unexpected joy, as it brings me.
I have only just started this class, but one thing it has already done for me is remind me to take notice of the worlds outside my bubble.
Week 7: My Hometown
Main Street is bustling in Downtown Sweet Home! It's late afternoon, and people are out and about! The iconic Rio Theatre is ...
Hello! My name is Peter, and I am a Psychology student at LBCC. One of my courses this term is this Photo Journalism class. I love tak...
Main Street is bustling in Downtown Sweet Home! It's late afternoon, and people are out and about! The iconic Rio Theatre is ...
The 10 a.m. class of Understanding Art students is hard at work on this week's assignment. They were given this class time on Wed...